Our Facilitators

  • Alanna

    Alanna works closely with the heart opening medicine of cacao, gently leading people through the sacred process of ceremony. Upon discovering the ritual of cacao in Tulum, Alanna began deepening her practices of self love and gratitude. She realized that this plant alone has the power to shift consciousness through a deeper connection with ourselves and in turn our communities. This inner knowing took her further into the jungles of Guatemala where she spent time living among the cacao trees, spending countless hours with the people of these ancient communities. Through her moving ceremonies you will get to work with the medicine through a variety of healing modalities. Meditation, breath, movement, music, and other heart expanding elements are tools that are activated within her ceremonies, gently guiding us back to our hearts.

  • Lauren

    Lauren specializes in the sacred art of embodiment, utilizing the tools of sensation awareness, somatic parts work, and non-linear movement to bring people into their bodies. Often, traumatic events and stressors in our lives stay within us, when we deny the body the opportunity to fully process them. Lauren's facilitation aims to hold space for a softening into safe engagement with these unaddressed emotions. Her background of research in dance as therapy, yoga, and Jungian depth psychology offer expert insights into this conscious expression. Most recently, Lauren has enjoyed guiding one-on-one tarot sessions, taking a more cognitive approach to observation of the patterns that rule her clients' lives. During the retreat, she will offer group movement sessions, with availability for one-on-one somatic parts work sessions and tarot readings at request.

  • Joanna

    Joanna found yoga later in life as a path for connecting to spirit and community through embodied mindful practices. As a competitive Ironman triathlete for 20 years, she focused most of her energy on asking her body to perform and little time being fully present in it. Through coaching student athletes, she witnessed the value of the physical practices on improved strength, flexibility, and performance, but soon discovered the deeper benefits from forming stronger team relationships built on trust, reflection, and shared experiences. She expanded her practice to share yoga with formerly incarcerated and gang-involved men, women, and youth in Los Angeles, as well as men and youth detained in Indiana State Correctional systems. Joanna believes that yoga should be accessible for all people, especially marginalized groups and she brings an intention of creating space where people can feel safe, be seen, and take a personal journey. She is certified in trauma-informed yoga practices, 200 hour RYT, and restorative justice peace circles.